The best sleep on the islands most comfy beds
Behold the rise of Dominica’s largest and most comfortable King and Queen beds, at Hotel The Champs. The proprietors were inspired to get these new beds after traveling to Barcelona earlier in 2018. A king-size bed is always the ideal option for lots of different reasons. Our entire point of filling our rooms with brand new XL king and queen-size beds and mattresses is for luxury and relaxation. Visitors will be surprised by how much comfort can be derived from those extra inches of beds being the biggest and most comfortable outshining all other hotels across the island.
The sizes of these king-size mattress will be great for couples and persons with children, as it provides enough room for family snuggle sessions. King-size beds are ideal for starfish sleepers and we intend to give the best sleep and rest on the entire island. We always prioritize our guests when we shop. More room to sleep means that our clients will enjoy some restful sleep moments. Our new beds will lessen tossing, turning and night waking.
Bigger is always better and hotel the champs always intends to give the best. Book Direct now to enjoy the most comfortable sleep in Dominica’s top hotel. Think high quality and book a Superior Room today to get the most comfort, where you’ll get support in all the right places on a King Bed.