by Edwina Simpson | Mar 2, 2020 | Hotel
Hotel The Champs has been awarded the Top 5 of hotels in Dominica by Travelmyth – the hotel search engine for sophisticated travellers seeking unique hotel experiences.

We are proud, yet not that surprised – what with our location so convenient for many amazing attractions as well as our beautiful views and swimming pool, we are pretty idyllic and hope you agree!
We would like to thank Travelmyth for this recognition and congratulate our staff for another year of achievements and smiles. Book your room today!

by Edwina Simpson | Feb 22, 2020 | Dining, Hotel, Restaurant
Name: Tamara
Role: Breakfast and morning tasks as required. It’s a small hotel where we have to be flexible.
Tamara was given no warning of the interview and I hadn’t met her before so she was a little reserved at first but opened up easily and seemed very friendly and happy to talk to me.

Tamara standing in front of the fly curtain – made of bottle caps
(In case you’re interested there will be a separate post about the antique clock and barometer on the wall next to Tamara.)
How long have you worked here? Since December 3rd 2018
What’s your favourite item on the food menu? Waffles, but I don’t usually have breakfast at The Champs, I have oatmeal at home before I head to work, starting at 7am. I usually finish at 2 or 3pm.
How far away do you live? 25 mins walk mostly up the hill on the way, just behind IGA Supermarket in Picard. Of course after a day at work it’s a less tiring walk downhill to get home.
Where’s your favourite spot in Dominica? My home village is Cottage where I go and watch them play rounders, I used to play too but can’t really join in and practice because live here. Cottage is just north of Toucari Bay, so by public transport would take far too long to get to us on a regular basis reliably.

Cottage, just north of Toucari Bay (The Champs is just off the bottom of the map)
What are your hobbies? I make candies like ginger and peppermints and sell them at family and friend’s shop. I also make sorrel jam which is available at The Champs.

Breakfast and lunch breads are all made by Tamara as well as apple pie.
Stay tuned for more insights into our staff members!
by Lise van de Kamp | Dec 12, 2019 | Hotel, Pool, Rooms, Yoga
Enjoying Yoga on The Deck
Create your personalized stay at Hotel The Champs by booking things that you would like to do and places that you would like to go. Enjoy the relaxation that you’ve been yearning for.
Yoga lovers, email direct with Lise to get the best Discounted Rate when you book direct. Escape for an exciting moment by Joining The Champs Wednesday Yoga Sunset Crew on the Deck.
What to expect at The Champs
Super-sized and comfortable King and Queen Beds, with elegantly designed head boards with extra lighting, each with a balcony overlooking the ocean. Enjoy excellent comfort and service at an Exceptional Hotel – The Champs
Book a Stay at Dominica’s Best Hotel
Innovative designed packages of horseback riding in the sea, bird watching, diving, island touring, whale watching and lots more. Come book and experience the most noteworthy comforts of Dominica’s Top Hotel The Champs.
Visit with the intention to relax or explore, rejuvenate or hike. Whatever you wish to do we will design your special package to fit your needs. Discover the exclusive experiences that lie in Dominica – the Caribbeans Nature Isle.
by Monique Jacob | Dec 8, 2019 | Construction, Hotel, Pool, Tour Operators

If you visit today, everything may not be in its expected place and we apologize for any mess.
Following the passage of Hurricane Maria in 2017, Hotel the Champs needed to regroup, so we created a plan to come back better (and bigger). We relocated the restaurant and bar and rebuilt our jacuzzi and pool deck. These changes left us with open spaces and a new vision for the future of The Champs was born.

The Champs Green Makeover: The Green Resilience Project

Future Location of Rooms #6 & #7
Earlier in 2019, as part of our “green makeover”, we installed our solar panels and work began on reinforcing the foundations where the jacuzzi and bar were previously.
We intend to add two new Superior XL rooms on the middle level and build an extended stay apartment at the roadside level. The Superior XL rooms should be completed by Winter 2020.
Currently, we have halted all construction work through the 2019/20 high season to ensure there is no discomfort for our guests. And rest assured nothing affects our five-star rated customer service.

Finishing the details for the Poolside Bar
A new addition that guests will get to experience this season at the renovated pool deck is a mini poolside bar, which will be stocked with beers, sodas, and other canned or bottled beverages to enjoy while lounging at the pool.
We continue to welcome our guests and look forward to offering that signature Champs service to larger groups when these new rooms open in 2020.
Follow our blogs and subscribe to our newsletters for construction updates.

by Monique Jacob | Dec 8, 2019 | Hotel, Tour Operators
The idyllic charm of Hotel the Champs awaits our guests as increased flights are expected into Dominica during the high season. According to a release from Dominica’s tourism officials, airlines serving the island began adding flights in October and the increases are expected to remain in place into 2020. These new flights and schedule changes will make traveling to Dominica and Hotel the Champs much easier over the coming months.
Connecting from North America
Passengers connecting via San Juan, Puerto Rico can now take advantage of Silver Airways’ (formerly Seaborne Airlines) increase to daily flights into Dominica’s main airport, Douglas Charles Airport. The scheduled flights depart San Juan for Dominica at 3:15 pm and overnights in Dominica, departing for San Juan at 7:15 am. Silver Airways has codeshare/interline arrangements with American Airlines, Delta, United, and JetBlue, among others.

The French West Indies & Europe
French airline, Air Antilles added new routes and flights into both of Dominica’s airports effective October 25, 2019. The airline’s Twin Otter service will offer flights into Canefield Airport four-times-weekly from Guadeloupe. These flights depart Pointe-A-Pitre for Canefield at 4:25 pm allowing passengers from Air France, Air Caraibes, Corsair and JetBlue to conveniently connect into the island. Air Antilles’ ATR service from Pointe-A-Pitre operates daily with a morning arrival into Douglas Charles with onward connections to St. Maarten (Princess Juliana International) and San Juan, Puerto Rico. This flight returns in the evening connecting back to Point-A-Pitre. A new route on the ATR service is a three-times-weekly flight from Fort-de-France, Martinique into Douglas Charles Airport. This new service operates on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays and also continues to St. Maarten and San Juan. Air Antilles has codeshare/ interline agreements with Air Caraibes, Air France, Corsair and Winair.
Regional Connections
In October, Leeward Islands Air Transport (LIAT), added three flights to its service to Douglas Charles Airport, bringing the airline’s weekly total to twenty-eight flights primarily from hubs in Antigua and Barbados, connecting Dominica to the region and beyond. LIAT has interline agreements with JetBlue, Virgin Atlantic, and British Airways.
For More Information
In addition to these airlines, travelers to Dominica can connect into the island on interCaribbean Airways, Windward Island Airways (WINAIR), and Air Sunshine, as well as via the fast ferry services offered by L’Express des Iles and Val Ferry. More information about air and sea connections into Dominica can be found on our How to get to Dominica page and from Discover Dominica Authority.
by Lise van de Kamp | Oct 10, 2019 | Hotel, Rooms, Special event
Hotel The Champs would like to provide you with the best service and best discounts that you will not be able to find anywhere else across the island of Dominica. We are here to serve, pamper and make you happy.
Click here on this link and a new page with an email to will open. In that email the From field already has your email address. And in the body of the email are already the words asking for your Promo Code. Verify that all is fine, and click Send. Shortly after, during our working hours, we will send your Promo Code. As explained in the images below, use this Promo Code and place it in the upper right corner box, when you’re ready to book your desired room nights at unbeatable rates.
How to use your Promo Code
Hotel The Champs will provide you with the best discounted deals with the use of Promo Codes. When you click to book a room you will arrive to the page shown below.
Upon arrival onto this page, check on the upper right corner of your page and click on the date option that is there and choose your date of arrival. Next click in the empty box to the right of the dates and type in the number of days that you would like to stay at our hotel. Now click on the search option to the upper right on the page.
Next, look for the word “ Promo Code “ which is in the upper right side of the page just beneath the image. Type in your Promo Code in the box at the front of the word Promo Code.
The prices of the rooms will now change into the some great discounted prices.
Time to choose your room
It’s now time to make a choice from our three different room types. As your scroll down through our room options, you will see the difference in prices and descriptions so this may just help you to make a choice.
However when you have selected your room, click in the drop down arrow box at the front to state how many rooms of this room type that you would like to book for your stay.
When you have done that you can now click continue to make a better choice of things that you can do while you stay with us.
Additional Extras
Wouldn’t you just love to add more excitement to your stay at The Champs? Well here’s your chance to add as many options as possible.
If you would like to get picked up from the ferry or the airport upon your arrival, then the click on the plus sign, to the right of the first option which is Airport /Ferry pickup or drop off.
The other options below being Dinner and Drinks, Birdwatching, Horseback riding can also be pre-booked.
Contact Details
We always need to stay in contact, thats why we need your contact details. Fill out your name and email address. Ensure that you check this email address frequenlty.
Ensure to place a working cell phone number in correct area. We can also try contacting you on your cell phone if an emergency arises.
With your email address we will be able to send a thank you and welcome email address as soon as you book with us.
Card Details are necessary to guarantee your booking.
In order to fully guarantee your booking your card details are necessary. Please choose your card type in the first block. Then in the second block fill in your card number
In the third block fill in the expiration date of your card. In the CVV section enter the three digit number at the back of your card.
Enter the name that is on your card in the last section which states “Name on Card.”
Click next and now you have your fully confirmed booking with us. Feel free to send us an email if you need any verification . Remember we want to do all in our power to ensure that your stay is an enjoyable , satisfactory and long lasting memorable one. Thanks again